Monday, December 20, 2010

A Book Like This

When asked to do a music review for class, I tried to think of the most offbeat and interesting artist I owned music by. Animal Collective was the first thing that popped into my mind. As I started to look into more of their music, I decided I wanted to review something more personal that maybe not so many people knew of that I would like to share. Angus & Julia Stone are an Australian brother and sister duo. I stumbled upon them in the summer of 09 with a friend and immediately fell in love. They have released two albums, Down the Way, and A Book Like This, as well as a handful of singles and EPs. I chose to review their first album, A Book Like This, because it is my favorite of the two (if I absolutely had to choose). So without further adieu, I present Angus & Julia Stone!

The album opens with the song "Mango Tree", reminding us of the simplicity of life, with it's soothing folky guitar riffs and Angus's relaxing tone. On the second song (my absolute favorite!) "Wasted" it features Julia's voice. (The duo only back each other up on songs, they don't sing them as a duet.)Julia has the most unique voice; it sounds very child-like and dreamy. Something really interesting about Angus & Julia Stone is that they record separate tracks of the exact same song, with a completely different tune. Angus's version of "Wasted" is also on the album, under the track name "All the Colours", which does not posses nearly the same amount of beauty and musicality as "Wasted". They do the same thing for Angus's "Just a Boy" to make Julia's "Lonely Hands", as well as for Julia's "Hollywood" twin "Johnny and June". I'm curious to know which versions were written first and how they came to creating the second ones.

I especially love their lyrics. They usually seem to be referring to an experience they've had with a greater story behind it. The words they use add to the fresh sound used in their music and make the content of it much more enjoyable. This is a verse from the song "Choking".
"Fine words from a sailor's son
Who's always running away
I don't want your sympathy
Don't quote me another phrase
I understand all your philosophies
But it hurts me just the same"
All of their songs on this album feature quick and light guitar riffs and soft percussion behind it, with the occasional harmonica solo. If you're in the mood to kick back and relax, playing Angus & Julia Stone on a reel always puts me in the best mood. Look on the right side at the top of my blog and click on any of those links to be redirected to whichever song you choose.

Pssst, I also posted "Babylon" and "The Devil's Tears" from Angus & Julia Stone's other album "Down the Way". They're my favorite songs, along with "Wasted", be sure to check it out. I promise it's worth your time!

The Great Gatsby's Jay and Nick

The relationship between Nick and Jay came very randomly, and developed very quickly. So quickly, that their relationship doesn't seem very sincere. It seems like from the get-go Jay is trying to win over Nick. He first invited him over to one of his extravagant parties, where they barely meet. He knows that people spread all sorts of rumors about his past, and tells Nick about his background so that he doesn't get the wrong idea about him. Jay Gatsby is in desperate need of a friend, and maybe he likes Nick because he's more of an "outsider" from this whole partying crowd.

At first I thought they were both benefiting from this. They both seemed to be in need of a friend. When Gatsby's past with Daisy began to unravel, my opinion really changed of the whole situation. In my opinion Gatsby was definitely using Nick to get to his cousin, Daisy. I'm sure that he enjoyed the company of having a friend like Nick, but I'm not convinced in the slightest that he intended to become great friends with Nick, or even stay friends with him after he got what he wanted.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Poem

When winter comes I bid adieu
The time that tells us our fun is through

I count the days till Spring comes back
In my fuzzy socks and knitted hat

November to March my nose is red
It looks as though I should go back to bed

With sniffles as desperate as a puppy dog
And a throat so sore I sound like a frog

Winter break comes soon enough
The perfect time to prepare for take off

Miami, LA, maybe Cabo
Anywhere to take me away from the snow

But school is back and so am I
In the dead of winter I'll do anything to survive

Before I know it February rolls around
The death of winter soon to be found

Reunited once more with my dearest friend Spring
Excitement in the air, you can feel the energy ring

The temperature rises and my sleeves dissapear
100 degrees, the hottest time of the year!

As the leaves start to fall I begin to mourn
I know that soon I'll have to battle the white blustery storm.