Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tell-Tale Heart

Let me just start off by saying that this story is very odd. It's sick and twisted, but at the same time I felt sympathetic towards the narrator and did not see him as necessarily a bad person. I came to the conclusion that he was definitely insane, like most people have. The fact that he tells us continuously that he is not crazy conveys the feeling that he is not just trying to convince the reader, but himself as well. Also, what kind of person kills another human being without any sort of motive? In fact he straight forwardly says he admires the old man he murdered and had nothing against him. Only a crazy person would do this. So can we, as readers, trust the narrator? I don't think so. His perception of things most likely is skewed. For all we know he could be making this whole story up. But for the sake of further analysis, let's assume he is telling the truth. Next is the "Evil Eye". The narrator makes it seem like the eye which the old man possesses is not a part of him. Therefore he does not feel remorse for killing the man because he is only trying to get rid of the eye. That is why he can calmly state his love for the old man while going forth and murdering him.

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