Friday, November 26, 2010

I am...a Plow?

When I think of a plow, I think of a farm. A plow plays an active role in agriculture along with a lot of other things,  similar to a team. So to answer the question, yes I am a team player. Sometimes, however, I take the role of the leader, similar to a farmer. When I was younger I used to be much bossier and more controlling, but I grew out of it. I realized helping out in something can be a lot more work than being the leader of a project, and it's not necessarily about the recognition you receive that defines how meaningful your work is. For example, when I volunteered at PAWS, I wasn't out on the go rescuing all the precious animals, but I worked behind the scenes cleaning them, feeding them, walking them, and just playing with them. At first I thought of myself as just one of the bunches of volunteers doing the same thing as me, but I realized that without my help, people wouldn't be able spend as much time individually focusing on each animal, and I really was ultimately contributing to the well-being of the animals and the organization. Being a plow is nice, but sometimes I like taking charge and being the farmer.

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