Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

I'm not going to lie, when first reading about John Proctor, he came off as a stooge. The fact that we were immediately presented with his affair with Abigail gave me the impression that he was an insincere fool. As I read on though, I developed some respect for him because he didn't just go along with the rest of the town in their beliefs of witchery. It seems as though many people in the town go along with the whole witchery ideas out of fear (I'm sure that's new to a Puritan society..) that they will be prosecuted if they don't agree.

I like that Mr. Proctor isn't afraid to express his feelings to Reverend Parris. Yes, I know that the Reverend is supposed to be preaching from God, but John is smart enough to realize their may be more going on with the girls than the town's idea of witchery. He is much more open-minded than the rest of the town. 

John, I think, is actually a good person. Like I said before, he wasn't presented as a good person initially, but based off of some of the things he does (and doesn't do) I think it's fair to say he's a hero. He testifies for Mary, which was very kind of him since she is so young. Even though he cheated on his wife one time with Abigail, he has continuously refused to do it again, as hard as Abigail tries to seduce him. Everyone makes mistakes, and as long as John has learned from his I don't see what would make him a bad person in any sort. John should be classified as a hero, and I think that his personality and ideas will have an impact on Salem.

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