Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Religion has played a great role in people's everyday lives for centuries, whether they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or a great variety of other religions. In a sermon delivered by Johnathan Edward, a Puritan preacher, "Sinners in the Hands of God", Edwards speaks of how God should be feared, and how terrible one will be treated by Him if they sin and how they will suffer in Hell. I believe that the Puritains only followed this religion out of fear that if they did not they would be damned to Hell. I mean, God is supposed to be this great being who inspires hope and helps those in need; not something anyone should be scared of! The Puritans tricked those of their own kind into being responsible and well-behaved in order to fulfill their destiny of reaching heaven when they die. In my opinion, using the fear tactic in order for people to do the right thing is manipulative and unjust. 

Edwards wants people to be afraid, but no one should be scared of life; if someone makes a mistake they should take it as a lesson and learn from their wrong-doings. Let's take the typical scenario of a big high school with a lot of gossip going around. If someone starts a rumor that gets out of control, God is supposed to forgive them for committing this sin instead of automatically thinking "Well, you blew it...have fun in Hell!", because let's face it, everyone gossips. But why would God punish someone so harshly for something no one will probably even remember in a few weeks?  I mean to be sent to Hell is a bit tough in my opinion. From what I believe in, I know that I should never be scared to live life, and God will always forgive me for whatever wrong-doings I perform as long as I can forgive myself first.

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